Friday, 14 October 2011

Paper Mache Sculpture Continued ....

Our session this week was a flurry of activity as the Art Tracks after school group continued working on their paper mache creations.   With sculptures at various stages of completion, some people spent their time sanding, refining and adding details to their work;  others  the painting began the painting process.   The room was a storm of glue and paper, clay and paint, but as the pictures below show,  some very promising sculptures are taking shape!

Step 6 - Niah applying an undercoat to her elephant

Step 6 - Painting & Glazing - Chloe's container for Hallowe'en candies!

Step 6 - At Last! Beginning to paint!

Caroline's little creature taking shape!

Just blow-drying my frog!


Step 5 - Adding details

Evane uses a small amount of clay to make eyelids and lips for her fish.  She then covers the clay with glue and tissue paper.

Madeline adding glue and tissue paper to her bird

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Paper Mache, Mid-Point! Tessa (instructing), Niah (on elephant) Evane (beside Niah)

At this point, we're about half way through our project.  In the sessions to come, Tess and I will show techniques for further refining sculptural surfaces.  After that, students will paint them and decorate with various materials.   Stay tuned for coming developments!

Paper Mache Sculpture

Art Tracks after school artists have certainly been busy in recent weeks!    Tessa and I were happy to welcome both returnees and new faces this year; we have an enthusiastic, creative group here, and they've wasted no time getting down to work!

Last year, our focus was drawing and painting, and this year, we'll continue to draw and paint in a  variety of media, including graphite, pastels, ink and watercolours.   However, I also wondered if students might be interested in trying some sculpture as well, and when  I asked if they'd like to try a paper mache project this year, and the response was a resounding "yes"!   So that is how we've started, and the pictures below (partially) document the process!

Friday, 7 October 2011

Oh! It's a ....

No it ISN'T a vase!

What's this?

Make sure there's lots of glue on the paper!

Step 4 - Cover with glue and tissue paper

Taking shape...

More newsprint, more glue --- What will it be?

Taping and papering

Step 3 - Covering with more newsprint and glue

Covering foil shapes with masking tape

Step 2: Making shapes out of aluminium foil and attaching them to the balloon

Step 1 - Covering the Balloon