Sunday, 22 April 2012

Drawings, Paintings and Fossils - Oh My!

With the end of the school year rapidly approaching,  Art Tracks participants have been working feverishly to complete drawings, paintings and sculptures for our upcoming exhibition.  Beginning Tuesday, May 29th, and continuing through June, selected works will be on dispay at the Swansea Town Hall Art Gallery.  With a number of pieces yet to be finished, and others awaiting matting and framing, the rush is on! 

 In recent weeks, many of our older participants have chosen to focus on sustained drawings and paintings completed over an extended period of time; we'll be posting their finished works as soon as they are ready!  Meanwhile,  our younger members have also been painting, and most recently, making fossils!  Have a look below to see what they've  been up to!     Great work, everyone!

Tessa demonstrating drawing techniques with Tess, Chloe and Caroline (Above)   

Two Paintings and a Fossil! - by Rosie, grade 4

Fossil by Nicole - grade 2

Fossil by Erik! - Grade 1

Fossil by Keili! - Grade 2

Fossil by Calder! - Grade 2