Monday, 30 July 2012

Art Tracks in The Summer: Final Week

I would like to thank everyone for making the Art Tracks in the Summer program the success that it was! I believe that I had as much fun working in small groups with the kids throughout the month, as they had attending.

The intensive week-long format provided opportunities for skills to really develop and build upon themselves quickly. With that being said, I am very proud to present the final week's completed pieces below....

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Leah's Work

Leah's strong skills in animal drawing were demonstrated beautifully in the work she completed this week. She was also able to explore some less familiar mediums and subjects, with much success.

Learning to colour block: Cougar, oil pastel
A Loon Family, Watercolours
(In progress, and the completed work)

Experimenting with Masking Fluids: Winter Tree
Eye training exercise: Drawing the Figure

Larissa's Work

Larissa used her second week to further her progress on her Bargue drawing, as well as to refine some of her skills using various materials. Terrific work!

Winter Rabbit, oil pastel
Cherry Trees - Experimenting with Watercolours and Masking Fluid
Eye training exercise - drawing the figure
Experimenting with Colours using
Watercolour Pencil Crayons

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Art Tracks in the Summer Week 2

Our second week of classes resulted in a number of pieces which display the distinct styles of each artist. In addition to working in the studio, we were blessed with wonderful weather, which we used to our advantage, doing some outdoor sketches as well.

Looking for Inspiration

Taking a break from drawing - Skipping stones on Lake Ontario

What a fun week! See below for some samples of each student's work....

Caroline's Work

Caroline has a knack for creating interesting characters in her artwork, each with his or her own story. She often will have others pose for her so that she can see how bodies naturally bend. This week she completed her picture of mannequins in scuba-gear, and began a series of cartoons, using the names of all in attendance. Can't wait to see what she will come up with next!
Mannequins in scuba gear, watercolour pencils

Cartoon characters

(Please excuse the grainy quality of these photos - my camera does not do these works justice!)

Larissa's Work

Larissa has chosen to complete another Bargue drawing and began making her measurements this week. Looks great so far! In addition to this piece, she worked on a number of faster ones, including an oil pastel muskrat. I love the way she created a somewhat abstract reflection in the water!
Bargue Drawing #2, graphite pencil

Reflections, oil pastel

Chloe's work

Chloe worked on a number of pieces simultaneously this week, including her main one, another Bargue drawing. While not yet complete, her Bargue has made considerable headway, and will be resumed in the fall. (Apologies for the grainy quality of the photos, the lighting wasn't great.)

Bargue hand (in progress) graphite pencil

Sailing Sunset, oil pastel

Gesture drawing practise

Mika's Bicycle

This week, Mika decided to take on the challenge of learning to paint in acrylics. Although relatively new to her, she impressed everyone with her finished product. With that being said, I am very pleased to show off her work:
acrylic on canvas, 7x9"

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Still taking summer students for week 4 in July!

As you can see, the Art Tracks students have been working hard this month! There is still room for students to register for week 4 (runs from July 23rd-27th).
If you or anyone you know is interested in lessons, please contact Tessa at

Taylore's Work

Buffalo, watercolours
Practicing the Figure
Humming Bird, acrylic on canvas
Taylore with her Humming Bird
Practicing one-point perspective drawing

Taylore (aged 12) has always had a strong appreciation for art and it really shows! The work she completed this week displays an understanding of a variety of mediums. Both her paintings from this week use strong contrast in colours to draw the eye in - I especially love her Humming Bird. Looking forward to seeing more from her!

Friday, 6 July 2012

Jake's Artwork

Lighthouse, oil pastel on watercolour paper

Drawing the Figure

Cardinal, mixed media

Lawren Harris inspired mountains, oil pastel on watercolour paper

This week we welcomed a new art student, Jake (aged 13). Jake's style has really developed over the course of the week and has produced amazing results! Preferring to work in opaque mediums such as oil pastel, his works show a deliberate understanding of how light and shadows create depth in a picture. Great work, Jake!

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Art Tracks in the Summer

We are delighted to be holding our first ever summer art program for kids this July! Sessions run from Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm and include a 3 hour lesson in the mornings, with an outing (often art related) after lunch. With our first week coming to a close, I am thrilled at the astounding achievements of the students!
Pictures soon to follow...
