Friday, 8 September 2017

Art Tracks Resumes!

Oh, where did our summer go!  I hope everyone has enjoyed this short, sweet season!

Art Tracks studio received a fresh coat of paint this week, and classes are now set to resume.   Our first  after school class of the season will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 13th, running weekly throughout the school year from 3:20 - 4:35.  Enrolment is on a first come, first serve basis, but if  interest surpasses our maximum class size and numbers suffice, we'll open another class.    Potential time slots include Wednesday, from 4:45 - 6:00 p.m. and/or Tuesday, from 3:20 - 4:35.

Art Tracks weekly adult art class will also resume on Tuesday, Sept. 12, from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.  This is an open studio program offering techniques and feedback as you work in the media of your choice.  All levels are welcome!

New students may enrol in classes throughout the year, provided space is available.  For more information, please feel free to drop me a line at:

Once again, I look forward to meeting with our marvellously creative artists.  (Scroll down if you'd like to see what I mean!)  Being surrounded by so much talent and enthusiasm is always inspiring!

Friday, 1 September 2017

Soccer Players - Hand Paintings by Maddie

Four Artworks by Laurel

Portrait of Kath by Ria

Quiet Lake - Acrylic by Audrey

Tornado - Acrylic by Maddie

Two Portraits by Fu-Rong

Watercolour by Violet

Three Paintings by Sam D.

Ink Abstracts by Kate

Deer - Acrylic & Coloured Pencil - by Sam W.

Two Watercolour Paintings by Rowan

Soccer Players - Hand Paintings by Maddie

Three Abstracts - Mixed Media by Kate

Hand Painting - Audrey's Clown Fish

Celebrating our last day before the holidays with: Cake Painting!